Activity 2.2.1 – My Daily Water Use

Monthly water bill:
November 7,481
December 8,229
January 8,977
7481+8229+8977 = 24,687/3 months = 8,229 gallons/month on average.
8,229/3 = 2,743 gallons/person/month
2,743/30 = 91.43 gallons per day per person

Name of Water Calculator
My Per Person Usage
SAWS Water Bill
91.43 gallons/day per person
City of Bellingham, Washington
195 gallons per day for my household.
195/3 = 65 gallons per day per person
CSG Network
155 gallons per day for my household.
155/3 people = 51.66 gallons per day per person
Broward Water Partnership

158 gallons per day for my household.
158/3 people = 52.66 gallons per day per person

According to my water bill, my family’s water usage is way above average. The three water usage calculators I did all say about the same. Cob put my water usage at 65 gallons per day. CSG Network and Broward Water Partnership were extremely close, both putting me around 52 gallons per day per person. That is about 30 to 40 gallons less than what my family uses, which makes me concerned. That is what my water usage should be at. My water bill tells me that my neighborhood average is 5,887 gallons for January, and mine was 8,977 gallons! I was shocked. I didn’t think my family used that much water. I understand I have a large yard, and normally that takes a lot of water, but the bills I did my calculations on are all winter bills. We do not water our lawn during the winter. Also, each water calculator took my yard into consideration, and they were significantly less than my actual water usage. I decided to investigate, and my January water bill for last year shows that my family used half the amount of water that we used this January. My bill actually says that my water usage increased by 100%. I’m not sure how I can cut my water consumption. Should I make my husband go to the bathroom outside? Should I get a new washing machine? Mine is from the 90’s, and it’s still kicking. In conclusion, I think I have a leak somewhere. Now I just need to find it.


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